Friday, November 04, 2005

plots to get an ipod

conventional ways
  1. get a job

dangerous ways

  1. going to best buy with a huge box containing.. a drill and some kind of diversion.. drill is for.. drilling open the keyhole of the display case and the box of course to hide the drill and to carry the ipod.. ipods
  2. breaking in after store hours
  3. turning out the lights during store hours and drilling and stealing form the display case
  4. bait and steal.. have a clerk open up the case and distract them long enough and have their FULL ATTENTION, steal an ipod while the case is still open
  5. making the the sales person open up the case making them think your going to buy one, once it is open... stun the fucker and steal one.

one point, tryin to get said ipod out the entrance, one way- some kind of box sheilding the ipod, another, run for the hills either out the front, or if possible out the back door carry the ipod high enough so that it misses the sensors at the door

and final way.. upload all my music onto my laptop and sell my cds.. sell whatever to make 300sum dollars..

and yes i have spent a lot of time thinking about it


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, I like the dangerous ways! Stun the fucker!

Tuesday, 08 November, 2005  

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