Wednesday, November 02, 2005

i dont know i hate school but i still learn

.. a child that has insecurities as they grow up, or have some type of dysfunction, were messed up as children either in the early childhood stage or any stage before adolecence. depending when the child was misstreated directly affects the severity of the the dysfunction of the child.
also if the child is effected harshly enough the childs cognative learning will be affected

some more extreme dysfunctions in a childs psyche will lead to deviences and other irregularities in a childs personailty which is the main source of criminal impulses and extreme criminal cases

if an adult that is dysfunctional, and has a extremly irregular personality, as they go threw their life encountering social stigmas envolving their pyschological condition. they will be greatly affected by the people opressing them or the authority figures they encounter.

although attempts at changing a person's psyche threw tharapy or medication have been somewhat effective. the best way to ensure that a person is prevention. by making sure that a person grows up with no irregularities in their personality


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